
четверг, 1 декабря 2016 г.

The crisis of the twenty-first century. Fundamental Analysis (Online Book Page 8)

Since the origin of man, understood at least with the modern, the question remains how, when man appeared on earth.

For reasonable subjects is evident in the universe, there are laws and order, and even if you believe in the miracle of creation, it is evident, and there is its own laws and rules. One can argue about Darwinian evolution, or of divine miracles, but each of these theories, there is a general truth and understanding, no matter how argue is the central core of any theory. Let us remember the rules;

1. Truth is not a lie
2.Razum but not insane.

From the point of view of reason and truth, if we take them as a basis, get on the ground the man could only from space, even the creator if he identified with human appearance on earth, left the earth, not the wisdom of the people to this confirmation, even the first law of reason, "Thou shalt not kill "is not met. Just standing on the first step of the mind to stop the killing, reasonable earthlings, we get a new development, without this degree of intelligence is reduced, which threatens a crisis and turning point of self-destruction, judging by the remains of ancient civilizations is the fifth attempt to embark on the first stage RAZUMA.Ne one thing is clear why until now, people have not understood its task to overcome the first stage of MIND. Instead, we see the product life activity of people did not MIND, and the waste and destruction of intelligent forms of life and all living things, so kindly provided by the universal mind, the people as a sacrifice for one simple purpose.
 We see the fruits of intelligent works of the universal mind. This earth, the moon and the solar system, but it is naive to believe that all this aimless and built for destruction, or the mad consumption, a small group of fools lost their minds, not able to manage without lies and murder.


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